Semantic Features of the Concept of Water in Turkish Vocabulary
Water, elements of vocabulary, proverbs, idiom, semantics, linguisticsAbstract
Among the "water, air, earth, fire", which we call "anasır-ı erbaa", i.e. the four basic elements that are
directly related to the existence and life of not only humanity but also all living things, the reflection of the
concept of water in Turkish and the usage of its meanings in the vocabulary have not been sufficiently
analyzed. It is noteworthy that thematic analyses in vocabulary studies are mostly made within the
framework of etymology, grammar, phonology, morphology, word and sentence knowledge. In this study,
compound words, idioms and proverbs formed with the concept of "water" were analyzed in order to
obtain regular information about the expressive power of Turkish and the richness of meaning in some
concepts and to present them to language learners and teachers. The contribution of the vocabulary
formed with the concept of "water" to the expressive power of Turkish was expressed and evaluated in
terms of semantics.