The Role of Language and Literature to the Formation of Turkic Civilization


  • Ozan YILMAZ


Language, the language of civilization, Turkish, Turkish literature, literary work


Turkic civilization, which has a deep-rooted past, is the result of many years of experience. In the formation
of this civilization, besides the factors belonging to science branches such as history, geography,
anthropology, sociology, language and literature also contributed greatly. The Turkish language, the first
examples of which we can reach through written language, in the Orkhon Inscriptions, produced
competent works in Karakhanid Turkish in the 11th century. After this period, intellectuals, who benefited
from the power of literature in various geographies of the Turkic world, processed the Turkish language
with their valuable works. These names, who produced works based on common memory, skillfully used
the power of language and literature for the formation of Turkic civilization. The works produced by great
names such as Kaşgarlı Mahmud, Yusuf Has Hâcib, Yunus Emre, Âşık Paşa, Ali Şir Nevâyî and Necati Bey have
greatly contributed to the Turkish language taking a place in history as a language of civilization. In this
article, how Turkish Language and Literature contributed to the language of civilization from past to
present will be discussed, and after, important names who contributed to the construction of the Turkic
civilization language will be evaluated.



How to Cite

Ozan YILMAZ. (2023). The Role of Language and Literature to the Formation of Turkic Civilization. Journal of Turkic Civilization Studies, 4(1), 27–39. Retrieved from