Issues Related to the Transition of the Press to Electronic Format in Kyrgyzstan, A Member of the Organization of Turkic States


  • Топчугүл НАРМАМАТОВА_ Зеки ОКЙАЙ


New information technologies, the era of digitalization, Kyrgyzstan, online media, press


Along with the development of new information technologies, important changes and developments in
traditional journalism have recently taken place. In particular, the new convergence of traditional journalism
in the online industry through the Internet has made it even more influential in society. Starting first with
newspaper coverage, and then with the advent of radio and television, which began to be described as the
4th force in society, the media has become the best media in the era of digitalization, which the public as a
whole cannot refuse. The fact that the media also began to appear during the month of the Internet made
his voice heard not only by local residents, but also by the whole world. However, with the transition to an
electronic format, there was no trace left in the media. In particular, professional and ethical principles
began to be grossly violated. Within the framework of this scientific article, the problems faced by the
press, which is one of the types of mass media in Kyrgyzstan, during the transition to an electronic format
and ways to solve them will be considered.



How to Cite

Топчугүл НАРМАМАТОВА_ Зеки ОКЙАЙ. (2023). Issues Related to the Transition of the Press to Electronic Format in Kyrgyzstan, A Member of the Organization of Turkic States. Journal of Turkic Civilization Studies, 3(2), 49–60. Retrieved from