Study of Primary Education Programs in Turkey from the Republic to the Present


  • Mehmet Arif ÖZERBAŞ_Mehmet KOÇ


Primary School, Education Programs, Education


The study aims at determining the development processes by examining elementary school programs
implemented in Turkey from 1924 to the present. The study was conducted using a document review
model. The materials for the study were obtained from the Directorate of Education and Training and MEB
Publications Department, as well as the educational programs of primary and secondary schools
implemented in Turkey from 1924 to the present. According to the findings of the study, the 1924
educational program was a postwar, short-term and preliminary work program. It focused on national
concepts related to the importance of education in building the future of an impoverished and depopulated
society. In 1926, the work on writing about Western understanding and secularism in Latin letters began.
The 1936 was the post-revolutionary period in which specific goals and objectives were set. Following the
moves toward democracy in 1948, the ideas of inculcating democratic consciousness, respect and love for
human beings began to dominate. In 1968, special attention was given to the social and personal
achievements of young people. The 1997 program is very similar to previous programs. The program, which
was implemented in 2005, set general and specific goals for educating individuals who think, solve
problems, and create products in accordance with the needs of the time. Lessons and learning content
were added to the curriculum that will lead to the achievement of these goals.



How to Cite

Mehmet Arif ÖZERBAŞ_Mehmet KOÇ. (2023). Study of Primary Education Programs in Turkey from the Republic to the Present. Journal of Turkic Civilization Studies, 3(2), 38–48. Retrieved from