Ways of Using an Interdisciplinary Approach in Teaching Rauf Parfin's Poems


  • Obitjon KARİMOV_Muhittin GÜMÜŞ


Rauf Parfi, Interdisciplinary approach, Communication technologies, Rain depiction, Visual publications, Literary analysis, Feedback, Rhetoric


The article presents specific examples of the place and teaching methods of using the interdisciplinary
approach in teaching Rauf Parfi's poems in literature courses in secondary and high schools (Science and
Anatolian High Schools) in Uzbekistan. The interdisciplinary approach is a widely used term today.
Considering that it facilitates the acquisition of problem-solving, critical thinking, cognitive thinking and
skills in secondary education literature courses, it is effective in recognizing and evaluating different
opinions of students, attracting their interest and increasing their motivation. Students will be able to
interpret and evaluate the subject from multiple perspectives through integrated information. In literature
courses, the focus is on how students can gain the ability to look at the literary personalities of well-known
poets and writers, reveal the messages of their works, and the situations they imagine in a more holistic



How to Cite

Obitjon KARİMOV_Muhittin GÜMÜŞ. (2023). Ways of Using an Interdisciplinary Approach in Teaching Rauf Parfin’s Poems. Journal of Turkic Civilization Studies, 3(2), 16–25. Retrieved from https://jtcs.manas.edu.kg/index.php/main/article/view/82